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Definition of Cookies

Flama may use cookies to store your login details, and collect statistics to optimise your experience of the site and show you adverts relevant to your interests.

These cookies are essential to the main function of the site and are activated automatically when you use the site.
These cookies are essential to the main function of the site and are activated automatically when you use the site.
These cookies are essential to the main function of the site and are activated automatically when you use the site.

Required Cookies They enable us to tailor the offers we send you to your interests. These may be our own- or third-party cookies. Please note that even if you do not accept these cookies, you will still receive offers, but they will not be tailored to your preferences.

Functional Cookies They give you a more complete, personalised experience, and enable us to save preferences, show you content relevant to your interests and send any alerts you have requested.

Advertising Cookies They enable you to interact with your social network, share content, send and publish comments.